Greetings all! Below you will find my version of Project Gutenberg's Science Fiction Bookshelf. Why do I mirror these books here, rather than just go to Gutenberg's website to get them? There are a couple of reasons I do this. First, not all of the ebooks books have covers in the files, so if you have an ebook reader that will display a thumbnail of the book when you are browsing your books, it won't show you anything very informative. I add a cover with the title and author to any that is lacking same. Second, Project Gutenberg organizes the files with numbers, so if you save the file to disk, you'll see something like pg6547.epub, so if you are attempting to copy the files from one device to another, you can run into a situation where you have a bunch of files in a directory that all have almost identical names, and you can't really tell one from the other just by looking at it. Instead, I name the files with the format "Author-Title.epub". This makes it much easier to tell what is what. One additional note is that Project Gutenberg makes the titles available in several different formats. Since I'm doing this primarily for myself, and I only read epubs, that is pretty much all you'll find here. If you find this to be useful, that is most excellent. I know I will.

NOTE: (07/22/21) I have added a bunch of books to this page over the last month. Unfortunately, I haven't been adding any kind of indication to this list of what is new, and what is old. If you've been here before, and would just like to see any new additions, click here. - Zeugma

Other Free Books


  Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Astounding Stories

Aandahl, Vance

Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926

Abernathy, Robert

Ackerman, Forrest James 1916-2008

Grant Allen

J J Allerton

Anderson, Karen, 1932-

Anderson, Poul William, 1926-2001

Hal Annas

Anvil, Christopher

Jules Archer

Archer, Lee

Archibald, Joe

Arkawy, Norman

Arkin, Alan

Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden, 1857-1935

Arthur, Robert, 1909-1969

Richard Ashby

Ashwell, Pauline

Asimov, Isaac

Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912

Frank Aubrey

Aycock, Roger D. (Dee, Roger) 1914-2004


Bade, William L.

Baily, Peter

Banister, Manly

Banks, Raymond E., 1918-1996

Banta, Frank


Barr, Robert

Barr, Stephen

Bates, Hiram Gilmore 1900-1981

Beaumont, Charles

Beck, C.C.

Beck, Clyde

Bellamy, Edward, 1850-1898

Bender, William


Nelson, Richard H.

Neville, Kris Ottman, 1925-1980

Newman, Louis

Nolan, William F., 1928-

Noll, R(ay). C.

Norton, Andre, 1912-2005

Nourse, Alan E., 1928-1992

Nowlan, Philip Francis

Buck Rogers

Nydahl, Joel


O'Brien, Fitz-James

O'Hara, Kenneth (Psedonym of Bryce Walton, qv)

O'Hara, Thomas J.

O'Keefe, John

Oliver, J. T.

Orton, Arthur W.


Palmer, R. A.

Pangborn, Edgar

Pease, M. C.

Petaja, Emil, (1915-2000)

Peterson, Don

Peterson, John Victor

Phillips, Rog, (1909-1965)

Piper, H. Beam, (1904-1964)

This list constitutes the complete work of Piper. Some of them are still in copyright.

Terro-Human Future History series

in Future History chronological order

Paratime series

other SF

Pohl, Frederik 1919-2013

Porges, Arthur

Pratt, Fletcher

Pratt, Theodore

Purcell, Dick

Purdom, Thomas Edward 1936-


Quattrocchi, Frank


Ramm, Alan J.

Rand, Ayn 1905-1982

Raphael, Rick, 1919-1994

Reinsberg, Mark

Reynolds, L. Major

Reynolds, Mack, [pseud.] Reynolds, Dallas McCord 1917-1983

Rich, Harold Thompson 1893-1974

Richardson, Robert Shirley 1902-1981

Richmond, Leigh

Richmond, Walt

Roarke, Jesse

Robin, Ralph

Robinson, Frank M.

Robles, Edward G.

Rocklynne, Ross

Rockwell, Carey, [pseud.]

"Tom Corbett, Space Cadet" series

in series order

Rockwood, Roy

Rubin, Leonard

Rubin, Mann

Ruch, Monroe K.

Ruzic, Neil P.


Sabia, Richard

Sackett, Samuel J. (Samuel John), 1928-2018

St Clair,Margaret

Salton, William P.

Saphro, Charles

Savage, Arthur Dekker

Schachner, Nat 1895-1955

Schmitz, James H, 1911-1981

Scholnick, Myron I.

Scott, Kevin

Serviss, Garrett P. (Garrett Putman), 1851-1929

Sevcik, Al

Shaara, Michael

Shafhauser, Charles

Shallit, Joseph

Sharkey, John Michael

Shaver, Richard S., 1907-1975

Shaw, Larry

Shea, Robert, 1933-1994

More recent historical fiction by Robert Shea.

The Saracen duology:

Searls, Hank, 1922-2017

Sheckley, Robert, 1928-2005

Sheldon, Walt, 1917-1996

Shelton, Vaughan

Sholto, Ralph

Silverberg, Robert 1935-1987

Simak, Clifford Donald, 1904-1988

Slesar, Henry 1927-2002

Sloat, Edwin K.

Slotkin, Joseph

Smith, E. E. (Edward Elmer), 1890-1965>

Smith, Evelyn E., 19[27|37]-2000

Smith, George H., 1922-1996

Smith, George Oliver, 1911-1981

Smith, Phyllis Sterling

Smith, Richard R.

Sparks, David R., 1897-1968

Stamers, James

Starzl, Roman Frederick 1899-1976

Sternbach, Richard

Stearns, Charles A.

Stecher, L. J.

Stopher, Chas. A.

Stuart, William W.

Sutphen, Van Tassel 1861-1945

Sutton, Jeff

Sutton, Lee

Swain, Dwight V., 1915-1992


Tabakow, Lou

Tadlock, Max

Tall, Stephen

Tarbell, Lee

Taylor, J.A.

Teichner, Albert

Tenn, William

Tenneshaw, S. M.

Tevis, Walter S. 1928-1984

Thames, C. H.

  • Stephen_Marlowe-Pariah
  • Stephen_Marlowe-Slaves_to_the_Metal_Horde
  • Stephen_Marlowe-Tyrants_of_Time
  • Thieme, Richard F.

    Thiessen, V. E.

    Thomas, Theodore Lockhard, 1920-

    Thompson, Don, 1935-1994

    Tinker, Joseph

    Train, Arthur Cheney, 1875-1945

    Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.), 1883-1969


    Urban, Helen M.


    Vance, Gerald

    This is a house pseudonym used at times by Randall Garrett, Robert Silverberg, Henry Slesar and Roger P. Graham.

    Vance, John Holbrook

    Vandenburg, G.L.

    Van Scyoc, Sydney

    Venable, Lyn

    Venable, Bill

    Verne, Jules, 1828-1905

    Vincent, Harl, 1893-1968

    Vonnegut, Kurt, 1922-2007


    Wainwright, Ruth Laura

    Wald, E.G. von

    Waldeyer, Graph

    Walker, Anne

    Wallace, Floyd

    Walton, Bryce (also known as Kenneth O'Hara, qv)

    Wandrei, Donald 1908-1987

    Wannamaker, Jim

    Warner, Harry

    Weinbaum, Stanley Grauman, 1902-1935

    Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986

    Wells, Basil

    Wells, Hal K.

    Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946

    Wertenbaker, G. Peyton

    West, John Foster 1918-2008

    West, Wallace 1900-1980

    Westlake, Donald Edwin 1933-2008

    Wicks, Robert

    Wilcox, Don

    Wilder, Stephen pseudonym of Stephen Marlowe

    Wollheim, Donald A.

    Williams, Lloyd

    Williams, Ralph

    Williams, Robert Moore 1907-1977

    Williamson, John Stewart 1908-2006

    Wilson, Richard

    Wilson, Robert H.

    Windser, Therese

    Winterbotham, Russell Robert, 1904-1971

    Wolfe, Bernard

    Woodley, J. B.

    Wright, Sewell Peaslee

    Wylie, Philip



    Yaco, Murray F.

    Young, Robert F. (1915-1985)


    Zacks, Robert

    Zagat, Arthur Leo (1895-1949)

    Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich, (1884-1937)