Great Quotes
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"The constitution ought to secure a genuine militia and guard against a select militia. .... all regulations tending to render this general militia useless and defenceless, by establishing select corps of militia, or distinct bodies of military men, not having permanent interests and attachments to the community ought to be avoided."
-- Richard Henry Lee

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee, 1788, Initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights, Walter Bennett, ed., Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican, at 21,22,124 (Univ. of Alabama Press, 1975)

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin, 20 years before the Bill of Rights

"The indissoluble link of union between the people of the several states of this confederated nation is, after all, not is the right, but in the heart. If the day should ever come, (may Heaven avert it) when the affections of the people of these States shall be alienated from each other; when the fraternal spirit shall give way to cold indifference, or collision of interest shall fester into hatred, the bands of political associations will not long hold together parties no longer attracted by the magnetism of conciliated interests and kindly sympathies; AND FAR BETTER WILL IT BE FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE DISUNITED STATES TO PART IN FRIENDHIP FROM EACH OTHER, THAN TO BE HELD TOGETHER BY CONSTRAINT. Then will be the time for reverting to the precedents which occurred at the formation and adoption of the Constitution, to form again a more perfect union, by dissolving that which could no longer bind, and to leave the separated parts to be re-united by the law of political gravitation to the centre."
John Quincy Adams

"Though most of the muck-rakers were moderate in temper and aim, a few of them were Socialists. Upton Sinclair ran unsuccessfully for office several times as a Socialist, and he nearly was elected governor of California in 1934, when he managed to win the Democratic nomination. Other Socialist muck-rakers include Charles Edward Russell, who ran for mayor of NYC on the Socialist ticket in 1913, and Gustavus Myers."

"In the US, voters cast ballots for individual candidates who are not bound to any party program except rhetorically, and not always then. Some Republicans are more liberal than some Democrats, some libertarians are more radical than some socialists, and many local candidates run without any party identification. No American citizen can vote intelligently without knowledge of the ideas, political back-ground, and commitments of each individual candidate."
- Ben H. Bagdikian, 1982

"All socialism involves slavery.... That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labors under coercion to satisfy another's desires. The relation admits of many gradations. Oppressive taxation is a form of slavery of the individual to the community as a whole. The essential question is -- How much is he compelled to labor for other benefit than his own, and how much can he labor for his own benefit?
Herbert Spencer - The Man Versus the State -1884

"The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual property rights..."
-- Ayn Rand _The Virtue of Selfishness_ 1964

"Society's needs come before the individual's needs."
- Adolf Hitler

"For the folk-community does not exist on the fictitious value of money but on the results of productive labour, which is what gives money its value."
- Adolf Hitler to Reichstag 1937-01-30 as translated by Norman H. Baynes

"The difference between [socialism & fascism] is superficial & purely formal, but it is significant psychologically; it brings the authoritarian nature of a planned economy crudely into the open. The main characteristic of socialism (& of communism) is public ownership of the means of production, &, therefore, the abolition of private property... Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use "

"Who could impose such socialistic confiscatory rates?"
- William F. Borah denying the possibiliby that income tax could ever exceed 9%

"One of the most insidious consequences of the present burden of personal income tax is that it strips many middle class families of financial reserves & seems to lend support to campaigns for socialized medicine, socialized housing, socialized food, socialized every thing. The personal income tax has made the individual vastly more dependent on the State & more avid for state hand-outs. It has shifted the balance in America from an individual-centered to a State-centered economic & social system."

Solon (594 B.C.), when asked how social justice could be achieved in Athens, said, "We can have justice whenever those who have not been injured by injustice are as outraged by it as those who have been."

National injustice is the surest road to national downfall.
William E. Gladstone (1809-1898) English statesman

Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country is considered a radical by those who are content with stagnation and willing to endure disaster.
William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) American newspaper publisher.

The common law is not a brooding omnipresence in the sky but the articulate voice of some sovereign or quasi-sovereign that can be identified.
HOLMES, J., Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen (1917) 244 US 205, 222, 61 LEd 1086, 1101, 37 S Ct 524

A republic is not an easy form of government to live under, and when the responsibility of citizenship is evaded, democracy decays and authoritarianism takes over.
Earl Warren, "A Republic, If You Can Keep It", p 13

The only protection of every citizen from such deprivation of rights is a strict adherence to the Bill of Rights by everyone for everyone. This should be self-evident but the danger of erosion of rights stems largely from the fact that so many citizens of the majority, who have never been deprived of any of these rights, find it difficult to understand what the deprivation of them means in the lives of others."
Earl Warren, "A Republic, If You Can Keep It", p. 48

"A people armed and free forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition and is a bulwark for the nation against foreign invasion and domestic oppression."
James Madison

"In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look at his character. It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, men of truth, hating covetousness. It is to the neglect of this rule that we must ascribe the multiplied frauds, breaches of trust, peculations and embezzlements of public property which astonish even ourselves; which tarnish the character of our country and which disgrace our government. When a citizen gives his vote to a man of known immorality, he abuses his civic responsibility; he not only sacrifices his own responsibility; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country."
-- Noah Webster

"[A] native of America who cannot read or write is as rare an appearance ... as a comet or an earthquake."
John Adams, 1765

"Where is it written in the Constitution, in what article or section is it contained, that you may take children from their parents, and parents from their children, and compel them to fight the battles of any war in which the folly or the wickedness of government may engage it?"
Rep. Daniel Webster, Remarks to the House, Dec. 9, 1814, _Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster_, Vol. 14, p. 61, published 1903. As quoted in _Respectfully Quoted: a Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service_, Library of Congress, 1989

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it."
Abraham Lincoln (1st Inaugral Address March 4, 1861)

"Necessity is the excuse for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of the tyrant and the creed of the slave"
- William Pitt (the Younger), November 1783

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of all things. The decayed, degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings, to think that nothing is worth war, is worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made free and kept free, by the exertions of better men than himself."
- Inscription found on a wall of the "Hanoi Hilton", North Vietnamese Prison for American soldiers.

The attributes of sovereignty are now enjoyed by every state in the Union.
- Alexander Hamilton

The Thirteen States are Thirteen Sovereign bodies.
- Oliver Ellsworth

The States acceded to the Union.
- Benjamin Franklin, _Franklin Works_, Vol V, p.409

The States are nations.
- Daniel Webster

If the States were not left to leave the Union when their rights were interfered with, the government would have been National, but the Convention refused to baptize it by that name.
- Daniel Webster, U.S.Senate, 2/15/1883

This is from Black's Law Dictionary, third edition, published in 1933. Militia: The body of citizens in a state, enrolled for discipline as a military force, but not engaged in actual service except in emergencies, as distinguished from regular troops or a standing army.
See Ex parte McCants, 39 Ala. 112; Worth v. Craven County, 118 N.C. 112, 24 S.E. 778; Brown v. Newark, 29 N.J. Law, 238; Story v. Perkins (D.C.) 243 F. 997, 999.

John Locke Explains Lethal Force

For those in the dark as to when lethal force can and cannot be used, some plain writing from the 17th century.

Nothing is to be accounted hostile force but where it leaves not the remedy of such an appeal [to the law], and it is such force alone that puts him that uses it into a state of war, and makes it lawful to resist him.

A man with a sword in his hand demands my purse on the highway, when perhaps I have not 12 pennies in my pocket.

This man I may lawfully kill.

To another I deliver 100 pounds to hold only whilst I alight, which he refuses to restore to me when I am got up again, but draws his sword to defend the possession of it by force. I endeavour to retake it.

The mischief this man does me is a hundred, or possibly a thousand times more than the other perhaps intended me (whom I killed before he really did me any); and yet I might lawfully kill the one and cannot so much as hurt the other lawfully.

The reason whereof is plain to see; because the one using force which threatened my life, I could not have time to appeal to the law to secure it, and when it was gone it was too late to appeal.

The law could not restore life to my dead carcass.

The loss was irreparable; which to prevent, the law of Nature gave me a right to destroy him who had put himself into a state of war with me and threatened my destruction.

But in the other case, my life not being in danger, I might Nature gave me a right to destroy him who had put himself into a state of war with me and threatened my destruction.

But in the other case, my life not being in danger, I might have the benefit of appealing to the law, and have reparation for my 100 pounds in that way.

John Locke, "An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent and End of Civil Government", Chapter 18 "Of Tyranny", #207, originally published in England, 1690.

"It is, therefore, a fact of law and of practical necessity that individuals are responsible for their own personal safety, and that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent."
P. A. Kasler, SELF-RELIANCE FOR SELF-PROTECTION (Sonoma, CA, Mesquite Mountain Press, 1991)

In the Gulf, we saw the United Nations playing the role dreamed of by its founders, with the world's leading nations orchestrating and sanctioning collective action against aggression.(1)
-- President George Bush, August 1991 National Security Strategy of the United States

The army of tomorrow is neither the Red Army nor the U.S. Army.... If there is to be peace, it will be secured by a multinational force that monitors cease-fires ... and protects human rights. Blue-helmeted United Nations peacekeepers are doing just that....
-- "The Unsung New World Army" New York Times editorial, May 11,1992

[I]t is time for the United States to lead in the creation of a modest U.N. rapid-deployment force.
-- Republican Congressman James A. Leach Foreign Affairs, Summer 1992

The United States should strongly support efforts to expand the U.N. peacekeeping role.
-- Democratic Congressman Lee H. Hamilton Foreign Affairs, Summer 1992

The following passage is from a sermon by John Hagee:

I want you to close your eyes and picture in your mind the soldier at Valley Forge, as he holds his musket in his bloody hands.

He stands barefoot in the snow, starved from lack of food, wounded from months of battle and emotionally scarred from the eternity away from his family surrounded by nothing but death and carnage of war.

He stands though, with fire in his eyes and victory on his breath.

He looks at us now in anger and disgust and tells us this...

I gave you a birthright of freedom born in the Constitution and now your children graduate too illiterate to read it.

I fought in the snow barefoot to give you the freedom to vote and you stay at home because it rains.

I left my family destitute to give you the freedom of speech and you remain silent on critical issues, because it might be politically incorrect.

I orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you and it has stolen democracy from the people.

It's the soldier, not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press.

It's the soldier, not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech.

It's the soldier, not the campus organizer who allows you to demonstrate.

It's the soldier, who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin is draped with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag!!!

"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."

"One would think by listening to all the propaganda about the United Nations that they are some sort of benevolent, peaceful organization. Never in the history of the United Nations has it stood for anything but killing and violence. They have never kept peace anywhere on this globe. Their sole function is to replace the U.S. military - dissolve all four branches of our armed forces. Their allegiance is only to the United Nations Charter which does not recognize the U.S. Constitution. This body is made up almost exclusively of communists and leaders of the bloodiest regimes on this globe. Their history and operating agenda is apparent to anyone who takes the time to sincerely and with an open mind, research the facts of this organization, separating truth from myth. Bilderberger participants ( another group committed to one-world domination) in 1992 called for "conditioning the public to accept the idea of a U.N. army that could, by force, impose its will on the internal affairs of any nation"
-Paul Harvey (Sept.24, 1993)

"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order."
- Henry Kissinger (Aug.1993, Los Angeles Times Syndicate)

"GATT represents the New World Order in trade."
- Mickey Kantor (Sept. 18, 1994)

"It is in the American interest to put an end to Nationhood. That is the goal in global government. America must get out of the United Nations or our sovereign Republic will not survive."
-Walt Rostow (CFR member and United Nations spokesman)

"I think that our American people will welcome a Russian military force for peace-keeping purposes.
- Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA) (June 4, 1994, speaking to the Associated Press)

These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods: and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right not only to tax but "to bind us in all cases whatsoever," and if being bound in that manner is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth.
Thomas Paine _The Crisis,_ 1776

But if you say, you can still pass the violations over, then I ask, hath your house been burnt? Hath your property been destroyed before your face? Are your wife and children destitute of a bed to lie on, or bread to live on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor? If you have not, then you are not a judge of those who have. But if you have, and can still shake hands with the murderers, then you are unworthy of the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward and the spirit of a sycophant.
-- Thomas Paine Common Sense, 1776

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams, quoted in "Citizen's Rule Book", Whitten Printers, Phoenix AZ

From this view of the subject, it may be concluded, that a pure Democracy, by which I mean a society, consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the Government in person, can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will in almost every case, be felt by the majority of the whole; a communication and concert results from the form of government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party, or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is, that such Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed, that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.
--Publius (James Madison), The Federalist X, 1787

"I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe ... Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. - - - From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy."
- Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837; Works 1:403

The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is, not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.
- Bastiat, Sophisms,107

There is power only in principles: they alone are a beacon light for men's minds, a rallying point for convictions gone astray.
Bastiat, Essays, 113

Society is composed of men, and every man is a FREE agent. Since man is free, he can choose; since he can choose, he can err; since he can err, he can suffer. I go further: He must err and he must suffer; for his starting point is ignorance, and in his ignorance he sees before him an infinite number of unknown roads, all of which save one lead to error.
- Bastiat, Harmonies,XXX

I do not call upon the state to compel everyone to accept my opinion, but, rather, not to force me to accept anybody else's opinion.
-Bastiat, Essays, 276

If political economy attains to the insight that men's interests are harmonious, it does so because it does not stop, as socialism does, at the immediate consequences of phenomena, but goes on to their eventual and ultimate effects.
Bastiat, Essays, 138

Each advance over Nature, after first rewarding the initiative of a few men, soon becomes, by the operation of the law of competition, the gratuitous and common heritage of all mankind.
-Bastiat, Harmonies, 416

Self-interest is that indomitable individualistic force within us that urges us on to progress and discovery, but at the same time disposes us to monopolize our discoveries. Competition is that no less indomitable humanitarian force that wrest progress, as fast as it is made, from the hands of the individual and places it at the disposal of all mankind.
-Bastiat, Harmonies, 289

By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others.
-Bastiat, Harmonies, 82

Capital has from the beginning of time worked to free men from the yoke of ignorance, want, and tyranny. To frighten away capital is to rivet a triple chain around the arms of the human race.
-Bastiat, Harmonies, 190

Property, the right to enjoy the fruits of one's labor, the right to work, to develop, to exercise one's faculties, according to one's own understanding, without the state intervening otherwise than by its protective action - this is what is meant by liberty.
-Bastiat, Essays, 109

Thanks to the nonintervention of the state in private affairs, wants and satisfactions would develop in their natural order. We should not see poor families seeking instruction in literature before they have bread. We should not see the city being populated at the expense of the country, or the country at the expense of the city. We should not see those great displacements of capital, of labor, and of population which are provoked by legislative measures, displacements that render the very sources of existence so uncertain and precarious, and thereby add so greatly to the responsibilities of the government.
-Bastiat, Essays, 53

Law is justice. And it is under the law of justice, under the rule of right, under the influence of liberty, security, stability, and responsibility, that every man will attain to the full worth and dignity of his being, and that mankind will achieve, in a calm and orderly way - slowly, no doubt, but surely - the progress to which it is destined.
-Bastiat, Essays, 94

No society can exist if respect for the law does not to some extent prevail; but the surest way to have the laws respected is to make them respectable. When law and morality are in contradiction, the citizen finds himself in the cruel dilemma of either losing his moral sense or of losing respect for the law, two evils of which one is as great as the other, and between which it is difficult to choose.
-Bastiat, Essays, 56

It is not because men have passed laws that personality, liberty, and property exist. On the contrary, it is because personality, liberty, and property already exist that men make laws.
-Bastiat, Essays, 51

Law is the organization of the natural right to legitimate self - defense; it is the substitution of collective force for individual forces, to act in the sphere in which they have the right to act, to do what they have the right to do: to guarantee security of person, liberty, and property rights, to cause JUSTICE to reign over all.
-Bastiat, Essays, 52

Government acts only by the intervention of force; hence, its action is legitimate only where the intervention of force is itself legitimate.
-Bastiat, Harmonies, 456

A man who would consider himself a bandit if, pistol in hand, he prevented me from carrying out a transaction that was in conformity with my interests has no scruples in working and voting for a law that replaces his private force with the public force and subjects me, at my own expense, to the same unjust restriction.
-Bastiat,Harmonies, 463

The state tends to expand in proportion to its means of existence and to live beyond its means, and these are, in the last analysis, nothing but the substance of the people. Woe to the people that cannot limit the sphere of action of the state! Freedom, private enterprise, wealth, happiness, independence, personal dignity, all vanish.
-Bastiat, Sophisms, 141

What must be the consequence of all this intervention?... Capital, under the impact of such a doctrine, will hide, flee, be destroyed. And what will become, then, of the workers, those workers for whom you profess an affection so deep and sincere, but so unenlightened? Will they be better fed when agricultural production is stopped? Will they be better dressed when no one dares to build a factory? Will they have more employment when capital will have disappeared?
-Bastiat, Essays, 107

Where, at such a time, is the bold speculator who would dare set up a factory or engage in an enterprise?...What man in the whole country has the least knowledge of the position in which the law will forcibly place him and his line of work tomorrow? And, under such conditions, who can or will undertake anything?
-Bastiat, Essays, 144

The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.
-Bastiat, Essays, 144

No greater change nor any greater evil could be introduced into society than this: to convert the law into an instrument of plunder.
-Bastiat, Essays, 55

Illegal plunder fills everyone with aversion; it turns against itself all the forces of public opinion and puts them on the side of justice. Legal plunder, on the contrary, is perpetrated without troubling the conscience, and this cannot fail to weaken the moral fiber of a nation.
-Bastiat, Essays, 134

See whether the law takes from some what belongs to them in order to give it to others to whom it does not belong. We must see whether the law performs, for the profit of one citizen and to the detriment of others, an act which that citizen could not perform himself without being guilty of a crime. Repeal such a law without delay. It is not only an iniquity in itself; it is a fertile source of iniquity, because it invites reprisals, and if you do not take care, what begins by being an exception tends to become general, to multiply itself, and to develop into a veritable system.
-Bastiat, Essays, 61

Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways; hence, there are an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, bonuses, subsidies, incentives, the progressive income tax, free education, the right to employment, the right to profit, the right to wages, the right to relief, the right to the tools of production, interest free credit, etc., etc. And it the aggregate of all these plans, in respect to what they have in common, legal plunder, that goes under the name of socialism.
-Bastiat, Essays, 61

Plunderers conform to the Malthusian law: they multiply with the means of existence; and the means of existence of knaves is the credulity of their dupes. Seek as one will, there is no substitute for an informed and enlightened public opinion. It is the only remedy.
-Bastiat, Sophisms, 139

Begin Quotes On Democracy

"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a REPUBLICAN form of governemnt."
Constitution of the United States, Art. IV, 1789

Democracy arose from men thinking that if they are equal in any respect they are equal in all respects.
-Aristotle: Politics, v, c.322 B.C.

Democracy is more cruel than wars or tyrants.
-Seneca: 'Epistulse morales'

The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots.
- Elbridge Gerry: Speech in the Constitutional Convention, 1787

The tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny.
-Edmund Burke

The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity.
-J. Fenimore Cooper: The American Democrat, XIV, 1838

Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling buisness: and gives in the long run a net result of zero.
- Thomas Carlyle, Chartism, VI 1839

Democracy is morose, and runs to anarchy.
R. W. Emerson: Nominalist and Realist, 1841

Institutions purely democratic must, sooner, or later, destroy liberty or civilization or both.
-T. B. Macaulay: Letter to H.S. Randall, May 23, 1857

Ten million ignorances do not constitute one knowledge.
-Clemens von Metternich (1773-1859)

If you establish a democracy, you must in due time reap the fruits of a democracy. You will in due season have great impatience of the public burdens, combined in due season with great increase of the public expenditure. You will in due season have wars entered into from passion and not from reason; and you will in due season submit to peace ignominiously sought and ignominiously obtained, which will diminish your authority and perhaps endanger your independence. You will in due season find your property is less valueable, and your freedom less complete.
-Benjamin Disraeli: Speech in the House of Commons, March 31, 1850

Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.
-J.R. Lowell: The Biglow Papers, II, 1862

The world is weary of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians.
-Benjamin Disraeli: Lothair, XVII, 1870

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.
Oscar Wilde: The Soul of Man Under Socialism, 1891

Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.
George Bernard Shaw: Maxims for Revolutionists, 1903

All lawful authority comes from God to the people.
-Constitution of the Irish Free State, preamble, 1922

The evil of democracy is not the triumph of quantity, but the triumph of bad quality.
Guido De Ruggiero: The history of European Liberalism, II, 1927

Envy is the basis of Democracy.
-Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, VI, 1930

Democracy is talking itself to death. The peopel do not know what they want; they do not know what is the best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much lost motion. I have stopped the talk and the nonsense. I am a man of action. Demo cracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.
- Benito Mussolini 1928

Democracy, with its promise of international peace, has been no better guarantee against war than the old dynastic rule of kings.
-Jan C. SMuts: Address at St. Andrews University, 1934

"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a REPUBLICAN form of governemnt."
Constitution of the United States, Art. IV, 1789

Enough of Democracy. Time to resurrect our legal form of Government. The United States was founded a REPUBLIC!!

End Quotes On Democracy

The newspaper is of necessity something of a monopoly, and its first duty is to shun the temptations of monopoly. Its primary office is the gathering of news. At the peril of its soul it must see that the supply is not tainted. Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free but facts are sacred.
SCOTT, C.P. 1846-1932 Manchester Guardian, 6 May 1926

None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but licence. No man who knows aught, can be so stupid to deny that all men naturally were born free.
MILTON, JOHN 1608-1674 The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1648-9)

A land of settled government,
A land of just and old renown,
Where Freedom slowly broadens down
- From precedent to precedent.
TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD 1809-1892 'You ask me, why' (1833), iii

For all we have and are,
For all our children's fate,
Stand up and take the war.
The Hun is at the gate!

There is but one task for all--
One life for each to give.
What stands if Freedom fall?
Who dies if England live?

Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 For All We Have and Are

The principles of a free constitution are irrecoverably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive.
Edward Gibbon 1737-1794 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88), ch.3

You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine.You will wring no more hearts as you wrung mine. I will free the world of a poisonous thing. Take that, you hound, and that!--and that!--and that!--and that!
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 Charles Augustus Milverton

He is the freeman whom the truth makes free.
William Cowper 1731-1800 The Task, bk.l.733

Freedom has a thousand charms to show,
That slaves, howe'er contented, never know.
William Cowper 1731-1800 Table Talk, l.260

Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls before us,
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us?
DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN 1795-1820 The American Flag, New York Evening Post, 29 May 1819. Attr. also to Fitz-Greene Halleck

If you have more quotes that you would like to share, preferrably with attribution as to the source, please feel free to send the quotes to preferrably with QUOTES somewhere in the title.

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