Project Gutenberg is an organization that scans and proofreads books and other documents that are in the Public Domain,

You can go to the Project Gutenberg website to search for and download each book individually. However, there are a great number of books in their collection. If you'd like them all, it's going to take you quite a while to get them if you download them individually.

To get around that, below you will find links to zip files that each contain approximately 1000 books. The books are numbered in the order of their release by PG. Also included is a list of each title in each archive. Right now, I have 69 separate archives that represent almost 69,000 books.

Enjoy! - Zeugma

0000-0999 Zipped (959M)
1000-1999 Zipped (612M)
2000-2999 Zipped (524M)
3000-3999 Zipped (661M)
4000-4999 Zipped (329M)
5000-5999 Zipped (601M)
6000-6999 Zipped (413M)
7000-7999 Zipped (524M)
8000-8999 Zipped (623M)
9000-9999 Zipped (416M)
10000-10999 Zipped (587M)
11000-11999 Zipped (713M)
12000-12999 Zipped (703M)
13000-13999 Zipped (864M)
14000-14999 Zipped (806M)
15000-15999 Zipped (798M)
16000-16999 Zipped (851M)
17000-17999 Zipped (1.1G)
18000-18999 Zipped (911M)
19000-19999 Zipped (1.1G)
20000-20999 Zipped (1.1G)
21000-21999 Zipped (850M)
22000-22999 Zipped (1.6G)
23000-23999 Zipped (841M)
24000-24999 Zipped (1.1G)
25000-25999 Zipped (1.1G)
26000-26999 Zipped (973M)
27000-27999 Zipped (805M)
28000-28999 Zipped (1.3G)
29000-29999 Zipped (1.2G)
30000-30999 Zipped (1.2G)
31000-31999 Zipped (917M)
32000-32999 Zipped (1.1G)
33000-33999 Zipped (1.2G)
34000-34999 Zipped (1.3G)
35000-35999 Zipped (1.2G)
36000-35999 Zipped (1.2G)
37000-36999 Zipped (1.6G)
38000-37999 Zipped (1.5G)
39000-38999 Zipped (1.7G)
40000-49999 Zipped (1.7G)
41000-40999 Zipped (1.8G)
42000-41999 Zipped (1.9G)
43000-42999 Zipped (2.1G)
44000-43999 Zipped (5.2G)
45000-44999 Zipped (3.0G)
46000-45999 Zipped (2.2G)
47000-46999 Zipped (2.2G)
48000-48999 Zipped (1.8G)
49000-49999 Zipped (1.8G)
50000-50999 Zipped (1.8G)
51000-51999 Zipped (1.6G)
52000-52999 Zipped (1.8G)
53000-53999 Zipped (1.6G
54000-54999 Zipped (1.8G)
55000-55999 Zipped (1.8G)
56000-56999 Zipped (1.8G)
57000-57999 Zipped (1.7G)
58000-58999 Zipped (1.9G)
59000-59999 Zipped (2.1G)
60000-60999 Zipped (1.8G)
61000-61999 Zipped (1.8G)
62000-62999 Zipped (1.6G)
63000-63999 Zipped (2.3G)
64000-64999 Zipped (2.6G)
65000-65999 Zipped (2.0G)
66000-66999 Zipped (1.5G)
67000-67999 Zipped (2.3G)
68000-68999 Zipped (2.0G)
69000-69999 Zipped (2.3G)
70000-70999 Zipped (2.3G)
List of All Available Books Total of all files = 97GB