Cyphernomicon Index
Cyphernomicon 5.11

Breaking Ciphers

   5.11.1. This is not a main Cypherpunks concern, for a variety of
            reasons (lots of work, special expertise, big machines, not a
            core area, ciphers always win in the long run). Breaking
            ciphers is something to consider, hence this brief section.
   5.11.2. "What are the possible consequences of weaknesses in crypto
           - maybe reading messages
           - maybe forging messages
           - maybe faking timestamped documents
           - maybe draining a bank account in seconds
           - maybe winning in a crypto gambling system
           - maybe matters of life and death
   5.11.3. "What are the weakest places in ciphers, practically
           - Key management, without a doubt. People leave their keys
              lying around , write down their passphrases. etc.
   5.11.4. Birthday attacks
   5.11.5. For example, at Crypto '94 it was reported in a rump session
            (by Michael Wiener with Paul van Oorschot) that a machine to
            break the MD5 ciphers could be built for about $10 M (in 1994
            dollars, of course) and could break MD5 in about 20 days.
            (This follows the 1993 paper on a similar machine to break
           - Hal Finney did some calculations and reported to us:
           - "I mentioned a few days ago that one of the "rump session"
              papers at the crypto conference claimed that a machine
              could be built which would find MD5 collisions for $10M in
              about 20 days.....The net result is that we have taken
              virtually no more time (the 2^64 creations of MD5 will
              dominate) and virtually no space (compared to 2^64  stored
              values) and we get the effect of a birthday attack.  This
              is another cautionary data point about the risks of relying
              on space costs for security rather than time costs." [Hal
              Finney, 1994-09-09]
   5.11.6. pkzip reported broken
           - "I finally found time to take a closer look at the
              encryption algorithm by Roger Schlafly that is used in
              PKZIP and have developed a practical known plaintext attack
              that can find the entire 96-bit internal state." [Paul Carl
              Kocher, comp.risks, 1994-09-04]
   5.11.7. Gaming attacks, where loopholes in a system are exploited
           - contests that are defeated by automated attacks
           - the entire legal system can be viewed this way, with
              competing teams of lawyers looking for legal attacks  (and
              the more complex the legal code, the more attacks can be
           - ecologies, where weaknesses are exploited ruthlessly,
              forcing most species into extinction
           - economies, ditto, except must faster
           - the hazards for crypto schemes are clear
           + And there are important links to the issue of overly formal
              systems, or systems in which ordinary "discretion" and
              "choice" is overridden by rules from outside
             - as with rules telling employers in great detail when and
                how they can discharge employees (cf. the discussion of
                "reasonable rules made mandatory," elsewhere)
             - such rules get exploited by employees, who follow the
                "letter of the law" but are performing in a way
                unacceptable to the employer
             - related to "locality of reference" points, in that
                problem should be resolved locally, not with intervention
                from afar.
             - things will never be perfect, from the perspetive of all
                parties, but meddling from outside makes things into a
                game, the whole point of this section
           + Implications for digital money: overly complex legal
              systems, without the local advantages of true cash (settled
             + may need to inject some supra-legal enforcement
                mechanisms into the system, to make it converge
               - offshore credit databases, beyond reach of U.S. and
                  other laws
               + physical violence (one reason people don't "play games"
                  with Mafia, Triads, etc., is that they know the
                 - it's not unethical, as I see it, for contracts  in
                    which the parties understand that a possible or even
                    likely consequence of their failure to perform is
   5.11.8. Diffie-Hellman key exchange vulnerabilities
           - "man-in-the-midle" attack
           + phone systems use voice readback of LCD indicated number
             - as computer power increases, even _this_ may be
   5.11.9. Reverse engineering of ciphers
           - A5 code used in GSM phones was reverse engineered from a
              hardware description
           - Graham Toal reports (1994-07-12) that GCHQ blocked a public
              lectures on this

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