Cyphernomicon Index
Cyphernomicon 15.9

Reputations and Credentials:
Credentials and Reputations

   15.9.1. debate about credentials vs. reputations
           - James Donald, Hal Finney, etc.
           - (insert details of debate here)
   15.9.2. Credentials are not as important as many people seem to think
           - "Permisssion slips" for various behaviors: drinking age,
              admission to movie theaters, business licenses, licenses to
              drive taxicabs, to read palms (yes, here in Santa Cruz one
              must have a palm-reading license, separate from the normal
              "business license")
           + Such credentials often are inappropriate extensions of
              state power into matters which only parents should handle
             - underage drinking? Not my problem! Don't force bars to be
             - underage viewing of movies? Ditto, even more so.
   15.9.3. Proving possession of some credential

Next Page: 15.10 Fraud and False Accusations
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