Cyphernomicon Index
Cyphernomicon 1.9

Things are moving quickly in crypto and crypto policy

    1.9.1. hard to keep this FAQ current, as info changes
    1.9.2. PGP in state of flux
    1.9.3. new versions of tools coming constantly
    1.9.4. And the whole Clipper thing has been turned on its head
            recently by the Administration's backing off...lots of points
            already made here are now rendered moot and are primarily of
            historical interest only.
           - Gore's letter to Cantwell
           - Whit Diffie described a conference on key escrow systems in
              Karlsruhe, Germany, which seemed to contain new ideas
           - TIS? (can't use this info?)

Next Page: 1.10 Notes: The Cyphernomicon: the CypherFAQ and More
Previous Page: 1.8 Ideas and Notes (not to be printed)

By Tim May, see README

HTML by Jonathan Rochkind