This information was stolen from The FreeRepublic Website
FBI Files List
Washington Times - 7/20/98
There are some familiar names on the Filegate list of of nearly 1,000 people whose
secret FBI background files were obtained by the Clinton administration. The list is
in alphabetical order.
This list does not appear to be complete. There are several names left off that should have been on it, most notably several congressmen.
I will attempt to add more information to this list as it becomes available such as information describing the person's occupation or status that might have led President Clinton to order their files be illegally obtained.
- Carol Blym Aarhus
- Hellen Theresa Abdoo
- Lunelisa Suralta Abiera
- Douglas Conrad Adair
- David Spears Addington
- Joseph Whitehouse Agin
- Frederick Leonard Ahearn
- Clifford Thomas Alderman
- Gary Warren Aldrich
- Cara Leslie Alexander
- James William Allen
- James Newby Allison
- Melissa Co Allison
- David Ernest Alsoorook
- Richard Gus Alvarez
- Douglas Randolph Ambrose
- Deborah Ann Amend
- Joan Marie Amick
- L. Linus Amorsingh
- Ann Elizabeth Anderson
- Curtis Wiley Anderson
- Debra Rae Anderson
- Delores Mary Anderson
- Ellis Alphonso Anderson
- John David Anderson
- Marcy Jeanne Anderson
- Rebecca Lee Anderson
- Stanton Dean Anderson
- Susan Elizabeth Anderson
- Gary John Andres
- Edward Appell
- Michele Lorraine Archambault
- Kirsten Clark Ardleigh
- Jacqueline Grace Arends
- Linda Lugenia Arey
- Jocelyn Argarrin
- Rebecca Anne Armendariz
- Robert Kelly Armfield
- Patricia Sue Aronsson
- Leslye Alene Arsht
- Marion Louise Asare
- Hosea Asberry Jr.
- Marc Anthony Ashley
- M. Adel Aslani-Far
- Michael James Astrue
- Carolyn Florence Atkinson
- Dennis Maurice Atkinson
- Lisa Benkert Auel
- Barbara McCauley Augustine
- Tammy Bloo Aupperle
- Susan Marie Auther
- Leonid Avrashov
- Donald Belton Ayer
- Polly Barragan Baca
- Charles Edward Bacarisse
- Cristena Lynn Bach
- Christine Anne Baer
- Shelton Ray Bagley
- Mary Stewa Smallpage Bailey
- Shirley Doretha Bailey
- Yvonne Gil Bailey
- Barbara Wash Baker
- James Addison Baker
Secretary of state under Bush
- Jane E. Baker
- Kathleen Margaret Baker
- Sarah Lane Baker
- Kyle D. Bakke
- Jean Ann Balestrieri
- Deborah Balfour
- Roy Kenneth Baliles
- Patricia Kristeen Ballard
- Patria Gaspar Balod
- Charlie Will Banks
- Michael Philip Baril
- Kathryn Anne Barletta
- Joan Marie Barnes
- Karen Lee Barnes
- Edward Barnett
- Edward Barnett
- Jane Elizabeth Barnett
- Patricia Ann Barnett
- Roosevelt Barnhart
- Bart Christopher Barre
- Donna Louise Barron
- Shanette Michaele Barth
- Herbert Henry Bartlett
- Gregory David Bassuk
- Paul William Bateman
- Charles Edward Bates
- David Quentin Bates
- Lorri Jeanine Bates
- Melinda Naumann Bates
- Rochelle Heidi Batt
- Lisa Maria Battaglia
- Frankie Battle
- Gayle Bauer
- Julia Harmon Baughman
- Matthew Scott Baumeyer
- Amy Meredith Baumstein
- Kathleen Elizabeth Baur
- Brian Callaway Baynard
- Chester Paul Beach
- Eileen Ferne Bean
- Jayson Frank Beatty
- Thomas Luther Becherer
- Heather Marie Beckel
- Jean Loretta Becker
- Jerome David Becker
- Catherine Therese Bedard
- James Edward Beers
- Patrick Adam Beers
- Kateri Ray Belby
- James George Bell
- Lillie Mae Bell
- Louise Helen Bell
- Mariam McKowen Bell
- Robert Gregory Bell
- Antonio Benedi
- Mary Lee Benjamin
- Caroline Clare Berezny
- Eric Berry
- Retha Elizabeth Berryman
- Rudy Max Beserra
- Anita Carol Bevacqua
- James Michael Bieda
- Elizabeth Ann Binion
- Mary Ursala Binns
- Debra Bird
- Danica Bizic
- Mark Gustav Bizic
- David Lee Black
- Judy Ann Black
- Barbar Ann Blackburn
- Virginia Mae Blackwell
- Pearlena Blake
- Marion Clifton Blakey
- Anthony David Blankley
- Suzette A. Blodgett
- Gary Robert Blumenthal
- Elizabeth Iden Board
- George Hubert Bohrer
- Joshua Brester Bolton
- Carolina Orgeira Bonino
- Debra Anita Boozer
- Susan Aileen Borchard
- Gladys Rebecca Bostick
- Sharon Marie Botwin
- James Bowen
- Janet Virginia Bowen
- Ann Rosemary Bracken
- Frank Alexander Bracken
- Margaret Louise Brackney
- Ellen Lorraine Bradley
- James Scott Brady
Press secretary under Reagan. (Poster Boy for HCI)
- Katherine Chrystie Brady
- Phillip Donley Brady
- Barnaby Lair Brasseux
- Harleen Marie Breaux
- Richard Carroll Breeden
- Stacey Lynn Breen
- Carl Ray Breining
- Bettina Christina Brena
- Marjorie Anne Bridgman
- Terheran Janes Brighthaupt
- Cecil Luther Briscoe
- James Elmore Briscoe Jr.
- Raymond Joseph Briscuso Jr.
- Ann Cathey Brock
- Crystal Lynn Brooks
- John Henry Brooks
- Sylvena Carter Brooks
- Michelle Marie Brott
- Cornell Marshall Brown
- Emmett Robinson Brown
- Ennis Waldon Brown
- Gregory Payne Brown
- James Brown
- Ronald James Brown
- Steven Lee Brown
- Susan Karen Brown
- Sara Ann Browne
- Patricia Mack Bryan
- Chester Corbett Bryant Jr.
- Todd Glenn Buchholz
- Catherine Eleanor Bull
- Katja Bullock
- Jean Marie Bunton
- Mary Lee Burch
- Rita Daiva Bureika
- Mary Jane Burgess
- Janice Less Burmeister
- Nealton Jay Burnham
- Francine Maria Burns
- Michael Joseph Busch
- Sandra Kay Bushue
- Bruce Irving Bustard
- Judith Ann Butler
- Lisa Butler
- Renea Annette Butler
- Dianne Burch Butterfield
- William Joseph Butterfield
- Jay Scott Bybee
- Phyllis McCommons Byrne
- Margaret M. Caccia
- William Burns Caldwell
- Lane Felice Calhoon
- Nicholas E. Calio
- Lorraine R. Camarano
- Martha Reed Cammack
- Frances Loretta Campbell
- Joyce Diane Campbell
- Sarah Louise Campbell
- Victoria Zima Campbell
- Shirley Ann Campolieto
- Jose Julio Canales
- William James Canary
- Daniel Lee Carlson
- Kathleen Shaughnessy Carlson
- Nichol Leigh Carlson
- Terry Alan Carmack
- Ann Mildred Carmichael
- Kelly Hawkins Carnes
- David Michael Carney
- Howard Albion Carney
- Lucy Cole Carney
- Andrew Michael Carpendale
- Judith Lee Carpenter
- Margaret Van Wagenen Carpenter
- Bobby Gene Carr
- Christopher Steven Carr
- Edwin George Carr
- Michael Damon Carr
- Sallie Wenner Carr
- John Gerand Carriere III
- Flora Jenice Carroll
- Jeremy Ethridge Carroll
- Mary Kate Carroll
- Rita Ravel Carroll
- Sally Claude Carroll
- Allyson Webb Carter
- Russell Edward Carter
- Tommy Jackson Carter
- James Carville
Fill in your own expletive here
- Bayani Garica Casanova
- Erlinda Elizabeth Casey
- Sheryll Denise Cashin
- Daniel Anthony Casse
- Ann Marie Castagnetti
- Anita Sanabria Castelo
- Shara Ann Castle
- Joseph Nelson Cate
- Roland Harrison Caton
- Ann Marie Cattalini
- George Gray Caudill Jr.
- Julian Attaway Cave
- Sara Joan Cavendish
- Carolyn Marie Cawley
- Gregory Philip Celemtano
- Clarissa Cerda
- Joseph Walter Cerrell
- Dolores Lumina Chacon
- Alyson Hillary Chadwick
- Richard Lee Chambers
- Julia Eden Chamovitz
- Florence Champagne
- Alfred Wei-Kaung Chang
- Jennifer Chang
- James Daniels Chapman
- John Cranbrook Chapman
- Robert Thomas Chapman
- Thomas Leo Chappelear
- Logan Stanley Chapell
- Peter Farnam Charles
- Robert Bruce Charles
- Tyron Leon Chase
- Keredith Ferguson Chen
- Volunteers In Youth Chesapeake
- Mary Elizabeth Child
- Douglas Wayne Chirdon
- Jill Melissa Chodorov
- Gloria Jean Chonka
- Theresa Marie Christoff
- Katherine Clare Chumachenko
- Marjorie Heins Ciarlante
- James William Cicconi
- Aida Marie Cipriani
- Sharon Elizabeth Clark
- Paul Clarke
- Elizabeth Hope Clayton
- Catherine Cleale
- Phillip Patrick Cleary
- John Anthony Cline
- Mary Berta Cobbs
- William Mathaniel Cobbs
- Lawanda Anntinette Cobey
- Terri Lynnette Cobey
- Jane Rusk Cocking
- Scott Andrew Coffina
- Bennedict Simms Cohen
- Karen Joyce Cohn
- Noah Phillip Cohrssen
- Clifford William Colby
- Lisa Tower Coldwell
- Herbert Holt Coleman
- Christopher David Colley
- Adam Reed Collick
- Gail Arden Collins
- Laura Jean Collins
- Paul Joseph Collins Jr.
- Tracey Regene Collins
- Elizabeth Margaret Compton
- Jenny Marie Condlin
- Karen Ann Connell
- Patricia Lynn Conrad
- David Lawrence Cook
- Michelle Diane Cook
- Julie Cooke
- B. Jay Cooper
- Janet Felton Cooper
- Marshall Cooper
- Susan Ann Cornick
- Michelle Lynn Coster
- Julia Marie Cottrell
- Catherine Crowley Coughlin
- Jack L. Courtemanche
- Pamela Jean Covington
- Carl David Covitz
- Emma Jean Cox
- Patricia Helen Cox
- Susan Alpert Coyle
- Charlene C. Cozart
- Lynn Allison Crable
- Bernard James Craig
- Graven Winslow Craig
- Judy A. D. Craig
- Kelly Ann Crawford
- Danny Lee Crippen
- Caroline Madden Critchfield
- Traci Michelle Critton
- Francez Gabrey Croft
- Carol Catherine Cronheim
- Stephanie Marguerite Cross
- Janie Shaw Crouse
- Matthew Elton Crow
- Shelly Lynn Crow
- Amanda Faith Crumley
- Allison Wheatland Cryor
- Laszlo Thomas Csorba
- Connie Kay Cudd
- Lue Culbreath
- Lue Addie Culbreath
- Leslee Blair Cullen
- Arthur Boggess Culvahouse
- Claudia Lynn Cummins
- Erin Michelle Cunningham
- Carolyn Curiel
- Alease Selma Curley
- Betty Williams Currie
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton's secretary, one of the most wonderful, God-fearing women on the face of this earth, friend of Monica Lewinsky and world-wide jet-setter, most notably seen in the company of the President of the United States while in Africa and China.
- Dorothy Jane Curry
- Joseph Philmore Curseen
- Theodore Charles Curtin
- Emily Jane Curtis
- Janet Flora Curtis
- Richard Edward Curtis
- Jeffrey Andrew Cushman
- Ellen Mary Custer
- Jennifer Lee Cutshall
- Rachel Rae Cutshall
- W. Bowman Cutter
- Brian Daniel Dailey
- Billy Ray Dale
White House travel director (was that his title?), who was fired and then charged with (what was he charged with?), taken to trial and acquitted.
- Sharon Ruth Dale
Billy Ray Dale's wife?
- John Joseph Daley
- Alison Michelle Daly
- Dolores Margot Daly
- John Augustine Daly
- David T. Damn
- Julie Mead Damgard
- Kristin Ann Damico
- Timothy Edward Dana
- Stephanie Clune Dance
- Justine Dandrea
- Brenda Joyce Daniels
- Hillard Daniels
- Hillard Daniels Jr.
- John David Dannerbeck
- Stephen Ira Danzansky
- Douglas Alexander Davidson
- Arlene Poindexter Davis
- Carrie Lou Davis
- Ethela Anna Davis
- James Davis
- Mark William Davis
- Patrick Joseph Davis
Executive director for the South Dakota Republican Party.
- Porter Manvel Davis
- Reba Holland Davis
- Samuel Davis
- William Hal Davis
- Calvin Dawkins
- Rhett Brewer Dawson
- Susan Bradshaw Dawson
- Benjamin Paul Dean
- Bernice Elizabeth Dean
- Donald Ray Dean
- James Deaton AFL-CIO Retirees
- Joan Chenery Decain
- Sarah Gawthmey Decamp
- Kris Marie Dee
- William Edward Deese Sr.
- Linda Susan Dehart
- Michael Erin Dehart
- Stacey Kay Del Grosso
- Dorothy Rhea Dellinger
- David Franklin Demarest
- Susan Russel Denniston
- Mary Kathryn Dewhirt
- Julia Lynne Diaz
- Francis Joseph Dietz
- Kristine Marie Dietz
- William Donald Dietz
- Richard William Diguiseppe
- Daniel Clifford Diller
- Diana Elizabeth Dillon
- Elma Sara Dirolf
- Carptenters Seattle North District Council - Puget Sound Snohomish Co Building Construction
- Viola Elizabeth Dixon
- Faith Elaine Doffermyre
- Juanita Mae Doggett
- Eileen B. Doherty
- Anthony Rossi Dolan
- Marla Murphy Donahue
- Helen Colle Donaldson
- Frank Joseph Donatelli
- Charles Anthony Donovan
- Teresa Ann Donovan
- Peggy Ann Dooley
- Nancy Patricia Dorn
- Celestine Smith Dorsey
- Matthew John Dorsey
- Keri Ann Douglas
- John Joseph Douglass
- Lawrence Clifton Downes
- Ingried Marlene Downs
- Megan Eileen Doyle
- Diane Elizabeth Dracos
- Philip Charles Droege
- Christopher Morin Dube
- Kenneth Marc Duberstein
- Edward George Dudley
- Stanley Lawrence Dufrane
- Patricia Joan Dugan Pigott
- Joseph Patrick Duggan
- Juanita Donaghey Duggan
- Claudia Ann Dumm
- Robert Michael Duncan
- Debra Roma Dunn
- Elizabeth Brooks Dunn
- Janey Laroy Dunnington
- Charles Kerwin Dutcher
- Douglas Patton Duvall
- Jacqueline Andrea Duvall
- James Kenneth Dyson
- Lerma Dimaculangan Ecle
- Laura Hersloff Eddy
- Jean Rochelle Edeson
- Joan Kay Edwards
- William Kenneth Edwards
- Johnnie Lewis Eiland
- Lucy Mae Elkins
- Cathleen Marie Ellis
- Nancy Gaylon Ellis
- Pamela Koehler Elmets
- Sara Currence Emery
- Daniel Joseph Engler
- Marcia Jean Enthoven
- Amy Heydenriech Erben
- Jane Isaacson Erkenbeck
- Christina Lucille Erland
- Clark Kent Ervin
- Magdalena Lanuza Esmedia
- Audrey Esquivel
- Gwen Lorraine Estep
- James William Estevez
- Gregory Charles Evans
- Madalne E. Evans
- Thomas Coo Evans
- Wanda Madeline Evans
- Mary Anne Fackelman-Min
- Laura Rice Farish
- William Stamps Farish
- Chad Dalen Farmer
- Henry Edward Farmer
- Julie Elizabeth Faulk
- Linda Faulkner
- Jill Suzanne Faunce
- Jennifer Lynn Fearing
- John Fee
- Charles Wakefield Feeney
- Sarah Shill Fehrer
- Alvin Stephen Felzenberg
- Gary Ellis Fendler
- Anne Claud Fennell
- Andrew Ferguson
- Rogers Lee Ferguson
- Vincent Jason Ferrara
- Susan Beatrice Fertig-Dukes
- Valry Kei Fetrow
- Jeanie Lucille Figg
- Christopher Dana Finch
- Heidi Ann Fincken
- Donald Cameron Findlay
- Aileen Beth Finger
- Laurie Ann Firestone
- John Howard Fish
- Everlene Beatrice Fisher
- James Richard Fisher
- Gregory Harland Fitch
- James Alan Fitzhenry
- Sharon Ann Fitzpatrick
- Nicholas Ruster Flangler
- Martin Alvin Flannes
- Frances Steele Flautt
- Sheli Estelle Fleming
- Debra Ann Fletcher
- Jeanne Diane Fletcher
- Lee Fletcher
- Lynne Margaret Fletcher
- Marilyn Anne Fletcher
- Heather Gwen Flick
- John Allison Flippen
- Robert Anthony Flower
- Theodore James Focht
- David Louis Fogel
- Joe Louis Fogle
- John Patrick Foley
- Matthew Todd Foley
- Clayton Sem Fong
- Jessie Tsui-Shih Fong
- Steven Mark Foonberg
- Tutoring and Mentoring Program Forces Comman
- Joseph Ford
- Joseph Kenneth Ford
- Clifton Leo Foreman
- Michelle Catherine Fort
- Gary Layne Foster
- Patricia Helen Foster
- Paul Thomas Foster
- Andrew James Francis
- Mark Alexander Frantz
- Charles Martin Free
- Judith Bjorkman Freeman
- Myra Bright Freeman
- Mary Eliza Fritz
- Karen Hart Fuller
- Ysella Ayn Fulton
- Diana Elizabeth Furtchtgott-Ro
- Elizabeth Brinton Gable
- Christophe William Galen
- John David Galetta
- Alice Mae Gamble
- Kelley Lynn Gannon
- Craig James Garnder
- John Stepher Gardner
- Margaret Danaher Garikes
- Audrey Joyce Garlington
- Barbara Jean Garner
- Sonja Helena Garner
- Charles Henry Garrett
- Tracy Davis Garrett
- Tyler Garvens
- Carolyn Sue Gay
- Kristen Moreau Gear
- Ronald Rudolph Geisler
- Spencer Evan Geissinger
- Christopher L. George
- Joey Russe George
- Leah Mercer Geraghty
- Constance Gerrard
- Gary Jay Gershowitz
- Thelma D. Geter
- American River Woman's Club GFWC
- Shahrokh Abdol Ghaffduai
- Doris Michel Gibbons
- Fannie Gibson
- Joan Ghering Gibson
- Stevan William Gibson
- Michael Louis Gilbert
- Reves Lane Gillespie
- Katherine James Gillette
- Allyson Bertrand Gilliland
- Karen Rosalie Giorno
- David Lawrence Gitlin
- Jon David Glassman
- Alixe Reed Glen
- Ellen Janyce Gober
- Karen Lynn Goff
- Gail Theresa Golay
- Catherine Anne Goldberg
- Julie Anne Goldberg
- Terry Warren Good
- Martha Hodges Goodwin
- Janet Virginia Gordon
- Dolores Edelin Gorham
- Teresa Agnes Gorman
- Stanley P. Gorski Jr.
- Kenneth Earl Grace
- Robert Edward Grady
- Lottie Boatwright Graham
- Juan Ramon Granados
- Eula Dean Graves
- Annie Mae Green
- Eva Harmon Green
- Galen Homer Green
- Kenneth James Green
- Wanda Ree Green
- Mildred Ethel Greenwell
- Ophelia Louise Grier
- Elizabeth Round Guyon
- Keith Dennis Hahn
- Cleo Elizabeth Hall
- Richard Lee Hall
- Walter Louis Hamilton
- Kenneth Lester Hammonds
- Edward Arnold Hampton
- Larry Eugene Handeland
- Dale Franklin Haney
- Teresa Lynn Harding
- Sallie Ida Harling
- Michael Edward Harman
- Claudia Mae Harris
- Delores Ann Harris
- Gregory Darnell
- Rosco Harris
- Joseph Emile Hartge
- Qamar Hasan
- Robert Lee Hash
- Gladys Beulah Hawkins
- Richard Paul Hays
- Mary Lee Head
- Clayton Lemuel Heard
- Andrew Charles Hegedus
- Frank Ralph Henderson
- Muriel Shiell Henderson
- Linda Gayle Hennessy Samuel Allen Henry
- Charles Francis Herr
- Mildred Juanita Hill
- Loyce Hilliard
- Arthur Joey Holman
- Claria Elizabeth Honemond
- Luvenia Palmer Hood
- John Edward Hopcroft
- Anne Courtenay Horel
- Doris Sharon Hoskins
- Evertt D. Houser
- Robert C. Houser
- Morris Emanuel Howe
- Willie C. Howell
- Francis J. Huber
- Cornelious Hudley
- Maureen A. Hudson
- Williazm Leonard Imes
- Bobby Ray Inman (Adm)
Top deputy at the CIA (nominated by Clinton for the defense secretary - he withdrew his nomination). Drowned in "Boating Accident"
- Charles Carnel Isom
- Daryl Clinton Isom
- Betty Lee Jackson
- Cyntia Denise Jackson
- Darrell Cleveland Jackson
- Jackson Leadership Council and Community Policing
- Raymond Gilbert
- David Elmer Jeremiah (Adm)
Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush
- Airel Johnson
- Barbara Jean Johnson
- Celestine Coleman Johnson
- James M. Johnson
- Rogenia Tomines Johnson
- Roy Johnson Jr.
- Selena Virginia Johnson
- Paula Collette Johnson-White
- Carl A. Jones
- Harold Jackson Jones
- Margaret Marie Jones
- Robert Clinton Jones
- Roland Jones
- William Jones
- Dominador Teodore Julian
- Larry Lee Kauffman
- Joshua Kaye
- David Todd Kearns
- Mildred Chandler Keel
- Edward Francis Kellerman
- Joseph Lomax Kelly
- Thomas Kennedy
- Janet Ellen Kenoyer
- Andrew S. Kerr
- Deloris Jackie Kilgo
- Linda Kay Kinsman
- Maxine Christianna Kitchings
- Walter George Krause
- Illa Lorraine Kruchesky
- Barbara Joan Kunysz
- Joseph David Kunysz
- William Frederick Lackman Jr.
- Joseoh Salvador Lagana
- Patricia Ann Lamar
- Allan Leroy Landis
- Agnes Leoma Langley
- Bessie Mae Lattimore
- Michael Daniel Lawn
- Ang Shiao Lay
- Mattie Oree Leacraft
- Mary Susan Leander
- Dora Lee
- Timothy William Lewandowski
- Nicole Renee Lindsay
- William Fuller Lines
- Richard Little
- Raymond Thomas Littleton
- Markk David Los
- Janes Arthur Lowery
- Susanna M. Ludwig
- Los Angeles de Santa Isabel Madres del Este
- John Charles Marsh
- Thomas Martinez
- Arthur Sylvanus Mathews
- Dean William McCauley
- Frederick Herbert McCray
- John Berkeley McCready
- James Irwin McDaniel
- Machael R. McElhaney
- Thelma McGee
- Robert Lee McIntyre
- Bertha Ross McKenzie
- Owen Corle McKenzie
- Estella McKnight
- John Henry McKnight
- Cornelia Jewell Means
- Manuel Anthony Mendoza
- Oscar William Merritt
- Jason Deleon Wilton Miller
- Kathy Mirabella
- Vito Mitrione
- Kevin Edward Moley
- Delores Amy Monroe
- Leatha McGhee Moore
- Jeter Anthony Morris
- Joseph Breneman Morris
- Suzanne Marie Morris
- Lawrence Donald Moy
- Scott Anthony Munck
- Felice Michael Muollo
- Joseph Donald Myers
- Kenneth William Nell
- Sylvia Nelson
- Mildred Newman
- Arlette Nickens
- Andre Norwood
- Ellen Eckert Olcott
- James William Oliver
- Jerry Ray Orfield
- Mike A. Ortega
- James William Owens
- Theodore Owens
- Frank Padgett
- Baily Pair
- Herbert Leon Pankey
- Diane Levern Parker
- Willis Rudolph Parrotte
- John Gerald Patten
- Clara Mae Patterson
- Ben Douglas Payne
- Rose Marie Peck
- John Walter Peggins
- Clyde Robert Perkins Jr.
- Deborah Wood Perroy
- Janet M. Philips
- Janet McConnell Christia Philips
- Joseph Philip Pistorio
- Polly Frances Pitchford
- Margaret Pitt
- James Constantine Plakas
- Pipefitters Local Union Plumbers
- Lucia Portanova
- Frank Reginald Posey
- Floyd Lee Price
- Francis Floyd Price
- Lucille Bryant Price
- Lee Prince
- Carlo Nicholas Proctor
- Mary Callie Proctor
- PSI World Seminar's Graduate Volunteers
- Domingo Amor Quicho
- Roderick Earl Quick
- Ondra Carl Rawls
- James M. Reagan
- Robert Harrison Reever
- James M. Reid
- Residents of the Highlands of Wyomissing
- Cheryl Ann Reynolds
- Daniel Michael Rhea
- Earlene F. Rick
- Leonard Franklin Riddle
- Oscar Eugene Riggleman
- Christopher Callen Riggs
- Kitty Lane Roberts
- William Eugene Roberts
- Charles Barnwell Robinson
- Joseph Joel Rock
- Carl Eugene Rodman
- James Raymond Rogers
- Linda Margaret Rogers
- Alfonso Molina Roman
- Eugene Romaniello
- Noel Mason Rose
- J. James Donald Rosenberg
- James Donald Rosenberger
- Cassandra Alfelro Rosier
- Ronald William Roskens
- Elizabeth Anne Round
- Wayne Allen Rusk
- Ronald Earl Russell
- Andrea Rutledge
- David Russell Sager
- Rayford Anthony Sampson
- San Diego County Sheriff's Citizen Volunteer Patrol Program
- Ricardo Javier Sanvictores
- G. Timothy Saunders
- George Everett Saunders
- Joseph Lewis Sawyer
- Marsha Lucille Scamihorn
- Elisabeth M. Schilling
- Ludwig Adolph Schneider
- J. Odell Scott
- Reginald Antonia Scott
- M. Dennis Sculimbrene
- Michael Girard Sedlock
- Charles Raymond Seltzer
- Sheree Francine Senn
- Raymond Jacob Seroski
- John Douglas Seward
- Homer Nelson Sewell
- Julie Marilyn Shae
- Ralph Emerson Shaffer
- Russell Alan Shaffer
- Shirley Mae Shannon
- Michael A. Sharp
- Thomas Joseph Shea
- Dennis Charles Shipp
- Cynthia L. Shourds
- Wendy Wamsley Showers
- Ivaniz Moraes Silva
- Larry Bernard Simpkins
- Robert Marshall Simpson
- Wandra E. Simpson
- Helen Gus Skaltsounis
- Claudia Virginia Skinner
- Florine Jones Skipwith
- Gregory Moneta Sleet
- Arnette Frost Slight
- Bernice W. Smith
- Edith Maralit Smith
- James Marshall Smith
- Matthew Dunlap Smith
- Virginia L. Southerland
- Dana William Spencer
- Delbert Leon Spurlock Jr.
- Bruce Lillard Steward
- Donald Lillard Steward
- Sean Jerome Steward
- Annie Stewart
- Sean Jerome Stewart
- Jennifer Streets
- William Oliver Studeman
NSA director and deputy CIA director unter Bush
- George Edward Sturgess
- Matthew Henry Sullivan
- Michael John Sullivan
- Michael Turner Summerlin
- Margaret Mary Suntum
- Marylin Annette Swan
- Melva Dramaine Swann
- Wilbert Lee Swann
- Hugh Taggart Jr.
- Milton Richard Talley
- Matthew John Tanis
- A.C. Tarver
- Chinita Denise Taylor
- Dorie Catherine Taylor
- James Harland Taylor
- Joseph Louis Taylor
- Kevin Wade Tennyson
- John Silas Thoams
- Arthur Stewart Thomas
- Edward Allen Thomas
- Edwin R. Thomas III
- Gerald Ronald Thomas
- Harold Walter Thomas
- John Silas Thomas
- Richard Allen Thomas
- James Edward Thompson
- Ola Mae Thompson
- Tina Ann Thorne
- Anthony Quinton Tillery
- John Renard Tillery
- Elizabeth Jane Tipton
- Kimberly Theresa Toland
- Edward L. Tolbert
- Milton Theodore Townsell
- Joseph Carroll Townsend
- William Eugene Toyer
- Gregory T. Trainor
- Linda R. Tripp
- Phyllis J. Tucker
- Florine Gilchrist Tyler
- Elizabeth R. Ubbens
- Florence Delores Underwood
- Eileen M. Upperman
- Shawn Vance
- Thomas Bradford Vance
- Ronald Leroy Vandevander
- Ponifilio Ventresca
- Vernon McClain Vines
- Janice H. Vranich
- Valon J. Wadsworth
- Sharon E. Wagner
- Viola Belt Wall
- Michael Francis Wallace
- Alexander Wallington
- John Francis Walsh
- Peter Henry Walsh
- Dianne Walters
- Agnes Charlescraft Warfield
- Jerome Elijah Warren
- Anthony Harrison Washington
- Maurine Elizabeth Washington
- Ruby Lee Washington
- Gwendolyn Schroeder Watson
- Julie A. Watson
- Julie A. Nash Watson
- Beatrice Watts
- William James Wedge
- John Griffen Weinmann
- Michael Alan Wells
- Freances R. Wessel
- Mark Westcamp
- Dorothy Marie Whitaker
- Geneva White
- Pernell Douglas White
- Sandra Faye White
- John Cunningham Whitehead
Deputy secretary of state under Bush and Reagan
- Samuel Purnell Whiting
- Rosell Whitmyer
- Sheila Marie Wilkins
- Carroll Bernard Williams
- Cynthia Boone Williams
- Geraldine A. Williams
- Harry Lee Williams
- Irvin Martin Williams
- Louis Williams Jr.
- Patricia Williams
- Sherman A. Williams
- Debbie Brown Willis
- Charles Michael Wilson
- Henry Dennis Wilson
- Waymond Maurice Wilson
- Barbars Ann Windsor
- Steven Andrew Wingate
- John Oliver Wise
- Nettie Sanders Wise
- Lafayette Alvin Witherspoon
- Lafayette Witherspoon Jr.
- Shirley Chandler Womack
- C. Norman Wood
- Emma Elizabeth Yates
- James York
- James Thomas York
- Ralph Robert Yost
- Patricia Luetta Young
- Richard Neil Zare